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BitBuddy Game Play Online Free

BitBuddy is a loony pixel simulator where you will meet a green monster craving your attention. He will become your new best friend and will get you involved in all of his usual activities. If you’re ready to solve the pointless ‘feed-or-clear’ dilemma with ever more massive piles of food littering the screen, if you’re up for slashing flying balls and heads with a Minecraft-like sword, if you are interested to see what else your new friend has to say in those 8-bit letters he types from time to time – welcome to the game!

BitBuddy wants to be your friend!

So who is BitBuddy? That remains unclear. His origins and background story are never disclosed by the authors. You just launch the game and see someone who looks like a frog-like monsters with a human face. This creature talks to you. He says that he is alone and bored and invites you to have some fun together. If you agree, you will see his face break into a happy smile. These changes of mimics will then guide you through the gameplay telling you when you’re doing things right and when you’re making mistakes. At those moments, BitBuddy’s smile will start fading and eventually disappear and his eyes will grow very sad.

This is particularly important when you’re performing actions that can eventually lead to your new friend’s death. Yes, BitBuddy dies rather often and there are many reasons that can spike this process. From perishing from the hand of an enemy (which is not a very adequate phrase because the main hero’s enemies usually have no hands) to simply being overfed (by you), BitBuddy’s life may be in danger. As his new friend, your responsibility is to avoid it! At least this time…

What is he up to today?

The gameplay of BitBuddy has no storyline. Nothing actually happens and there are no events as such. You just move from level to level doing various things depending on the situation. The controls are simple and intuitive – they consist of clicking or tapping, either on various objects on the screen or on buttons representing different options. For instance, you will have to decide whether to feed your character with all those doughnuts, cookies and oranges that just fell down on him from the top of the screen or simply clean it all up. It’s equally dangerous to leave BitBuddy hungry and to overfeed him. So again, watch his face expression! Find out more about this weird and addicting game on your own playing BitBuddy online!

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